Top tourism activities for driving clients in Uganda

Tourism in Uganda is one of major sectors bringing foreign currencies in the country. The country welcomes all types of travelers including those on self-drive, car rental and driver, road trip clients and many more.

Uganda is a safe country receiving many visitors from all over the world. Most of the road leading to important tourism destinations are paved, Accommodation facilities are available both in major towns and Tourism destinations. The accommodations range in classes Comfortable ones (Budget), midrange and Up market (luxury).

Here below are the pinnacle activities which can be enjoyed by driving clients in Uganda.

Walking safaris:

There are many activities which can be done by walking and which can be termed as walking safaris. Some of them include, gorilla tracking, Chimpanzee tracking, Hiking, Nature walks, Batwa cultural Experience and many more.


Gorilla Tracking: This activity is no doubt the leading in Uganda. Mountain gorillas are unique creatures and hardly found elsewhere except in Uganda, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo. Driving clients can explore these endangered creatures from Bwindi or Mgahinga National Park in Uganda. Gorillas are close relatives of Humans therefore 4×4 car hire clients expect to follow in love with them in their natural environment.

Chimpanzee Tracking: The same way like Mountain Gorillas, Chimpanzees are also close relatives of humans and the good side of it, they can be tracked from many places in Uganda. Did you know that currently they can also be tracked in Bugoma Forest? Other popular places for chimpanzees include, Kibale National Park, budongo forest, Kalinzu forest, Kyambura gorge, and Ngamba island.

Nature walks: Car rental visitors can decide to experience Ugandan some attractions, landscape and etc. on foot, bringing that closeness to nature. Nature walks in Uganda thankfully can be done in quite many places discovering different experiences depending on the place. Some of them include Bwindi National Park, Mgahinga National Park, kidepo and many more.

Hiking: Hiking on different hills or mountains of Uganda are done on foot. Some of the Mountains and volcanoes which can be Hiked in Uganda include Mountain Rwenzori, the highest point in Uganda and the third in Africa. Mount Elgon, volcanoes include, Sabyinyo, Muhabura, and Gahinga.

Wildlife safaris:

Wildlife safaris are available in Uganda, with in many wildlife parks in Uganda, wildlife safaris are possible here. Driving clients can do the following wildlife activities here below.

Game Drives: This is done is many wildlife parks in Uganda. It is done in a safari vehicle to avoid attacks from wild animals. Wildlife parks in Uganda include, Murchison Falls National Park, Queen Elizabeth national park, kidepo valley National Park, lake Mburo national park and Semliki national park. Some wildlife animals which can be seen in a game drive include, Elephants, Lions, leopards, Antelopes, and many more.

Birding: Birding safaris are very common in Uganda and since the country is an important birding area, self-drive visitors do carry out birding safaris in different destinations of Uganda. Some of them include birding in Mabamba swamp for shoe bill, birding around Kazinga channel in Queen Elizabeth national park, birding in Murchison falls National Park and many more.

Water based safaris

There are many water-based activities in Uganda which can be enjoyed with driving clients. Some of them are here below.

Boat cruises: Boat cruises are available on many water bodies in Uganda, some of them include, River Nile in Jinja, Lake Victoria, kazinga Channel in Queen Elizabeth NP, Lake Mburo, Murchison falls and many others. Some driving clients decide to end with destinations like Jinja to relax on the waters.

Rafting in Jinja

Rafting in Jinja is one of the major water-based activities in this destination. It can be done for half day or full day.

Other water-based activities include, Bungee jumping, swimming, spot fishing, Tubing the Nile, kayaking, and etc.