Driving to see primates of Uganda

Uganda is the pearl of Africa, gifted with many wonders. It is one of the major reasons why tourists decide to package the country on their bucket lists. Wonders of Uganda involve many tourist attractions ranging from wildlife, cultures, and not forgetting the primates with some of them are rarely seen elsewhere. Uganda is a free country and safe, many visitors of different kinds are welcome, some visitors decide to drive themselves and discover the primates of the country including the endangered types.

Driving in Uganda to see primates have become so common, visitors look for good reliable companies and hire cars to explore primate parks like Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Kibale National Park, Budongo forest, Kalinzu, Kyambura gorge and many more. Mostly visitors hire 4×4 cars for adventure. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a solo traveler, Couple, family, friends, honey mooners driving in Uganda is fun and possible.

Types of primates explored by clients in Uganda.

Mountain Gorillas

These are found in two National parks in Uganda, Bwindi impenetrable National Park, and Mgahinga National Park. The parks are located in the western Uganda. Mountain Gorillas is among the best attractions making Uganda to be on top of visited countries in the world. Mountain gorillas if not tracked in Uganda, they can be seen in Rwanda or Democratic Republic of Congo. Visitors hire cars and hit the road to be next to the close relatives of humans, they are intelligent animals and share 98% of DNA like humans.

Visitors drive to Bwindi National Park, get closer Lodges and then assemble at the park headquarters on the day of Tracking to start the magical activity.


Chimpanzees are also close relatives of humans, found in many places in Uganda. They can be seen in Kibale National Park which is the most popular, Kyambura gorge in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Budongo forest near Murchison falls National Park, kalinzu Forest and Ngamba island where orphaned Chimpanzees are kept safe.

It is possible to hire a car and drive to all the mentioned destinations for Chimpanzee Tracking. It is fun and magical to be next to the active chimpanzees doing their daily activities, they are very active and be ready to follow them and they keep on jumping around.

Golden Monkeys.

Golden monkeys are another endangered primate species in Uganda rarely found elsewhere except in Virungas which is shared between Uganda Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo. These can be seen in Mgahinga National Park of Uganda. Visitors drive to this park to enjoy them in their naturel environment. Visitors do not regret tracking Golden monkeys, they are unique and very active, visitors will enjoy listening to the information given by park guides concerning the primate.

Other primates.

Other primates in Uganda includes, Baboons, red tailed monkeys, Lhoests Monkeys, Blue Monkeys, Black and white colobus monkeys, Grey checked mangabey, Vervet monkeys and many more.

How to book Permits for primate in Uganda

Currently booking a permit for Mountain gorillas, chimpanzees and etc. is through a registered company, Uganda wildlife Authority allows registered companies to purchase permits for their visitors. Reliable and registered Car hire and safari companies are available in Uganda and they do bookings for their clients.

When a client book a car to drive in Uganda for self drive, it is possible to book permits with the same company, when delivering a car to the client at the start of the trip, the required permits are also given to the clients.

Since Primate permits like for Mountain gorillas and chimpanzees are served on first come first serve and they are on the high demand. It is necessary to send money for the permits in advance and the required day of tracking to reserve the permits

For Gorilla tracking, Visitors need to specify the region in case they are to track mountain gorillas in Bwindi National Park. They are 4 regions, Buhoma, Nkuringo, Rushaga and Ruhija. Gorilla families are distributed at the park headquarters.